Did your cut get infected? Take a pill. Respiratory
infection? Take a different pill. Sinus infection, there’s a pill for that,
too. But there is bad news coming to light: all those pills are becoming
obsolete and there’s very little anyone can do about that.
Antibiotics revolutionized medicine. Before antibiotics,
doctors tried to keep the patient alive long enough for the infection to be
driven off by the body’s own defenses. With antibiotics, doctors could rid the
body of (bacterial) infection with a shot or a pill. Enter the golden age of
Today, pharmaceutical companies pump out over 200,000
tons (yes, that’s not a mistake, that’s tons) of antibiotics every year. That’s
a lot of bacteria killers! The vast majority of these antibiotics, on the order of 80%, are given to
animals being raised for food. This makes them gain weight faster and remain
healthy long enough to make it to the slaughterhouse.
A lot of the human-ingested antibiotics are taken in
poorer countries with limited access to doctors. Instead of seeing a doctor, people buy
antibiotics over-the-counter and fight any illness with overwhelming
pharmaceutical force. Additionally, many hospitals in poorer countries are paid
by the pharmaceutical companies for prescribing their medications, driving a huge
surge in antibiotic usage.
This deluge of antibiotics has caused the bacteria of the
world to respond. As each antibiotic is released, bacteria either die or mutate
to become immune. The surviving bacteria flourish and multiply, unconstrained
by these tons of antibiotics.
Now doctors are facing an onslaught of infections where
conventional antibiotics are ineffective. Once again they are relegated to
trying to keep the patient alive until the body can overcome the infection. In
many cases this is a losing strategy.
What can be done? First, the use of antibiotics in the
food chain should be dramatically reduced. Improving the sanitation on the
farms and ranches can help make antibiotic usage unnecessary. Better medical
help and eliminating profit-driven antibiotic usage in poorer countries can
help too.
Clearly, we cannot afford to run out of effective
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